Organic Healthy Grain-Free Tacos
These organic tacos are super easy, filling and guilt-free because they use only healthy ingredients!
It is important to use ORGANIC beef vs. conventional in order to avoid consuming harmful antibiotics, growth hormones, synthetic estrogens and other chemicals. It is also very important to buy GRASS-FED and GRASS-FINISHED to get beef from cows fed a natural diet of grass. If the meat is not grass-fed, it has likely been fed a diet full of GMO-corn and/or other grains (potentially gluten!) that is very unhealthy for the cow, and consequently for us too. Grass-fed beef is also higher in many nutrients, specifically healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
1/2 Tbsp organic ghee
1 organic yellow onion, chopped
1 lb organic, grass-fed hamburger meat
1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt
1/2 tsp organic garlic powder
1/2 tsp organic cumin powder
1 pkg Siete Cassava & Coconut Amazing Grain Free Tortillas
Organic Romaine Lettuce, torn into small pieces
Redwood Hill Farms aged cheddar goat cheese, shredded
In a medium saucepan, melt the ghee. Add the chopped onion, hamburger meat, salt and spices. Saute on medium heat, ensuring you cook the hamburger meat thoroughly without burning.
Lightly heat the coconut-cassava tortillas in a separate medium saucepan on low heat (just a couple of minutes).
Add the taco meat mixture, goat cheese, romaine lettuce and avocado dip into the tortillas and Enjoy!